Time difference between Chile and Argentina
Argentina is currently 1 hour ahead of Chile
Reason is that Argentina does not currently observe daylight saving time
As of 2022, Chile is observing Daylight Saving Time, while Argentina is not. This means that during the austral summer months, Chile is 1 hour behind Argentina.
However, during the austral winter months, when Chile is not observing Daylight Saving Time, the two countries are in the same time zone.
To find the current time difference between Chile and Argentina, you can use a time zone converter.
Here are some examples of the time difference between Chile and Argentina:
- When it is 12:00 PM in Santiago, Chile, it is 1:00 PM in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- When it is 1:00 PM in Buenos Aires, Argentina, it is 12:00 PM in Santiago, Chile.
It is important to note that the time difference between Chile and Argentina can change depending on whether or not either country is observing Daylight Saving Time.